
Automation And The Finishing Industry

Plating automation is a hot topic in the finishing industry. Many American companies, including Sharretts Plating, are moving towards automated facilities. In fact, Sharretts Plating is mostly automated at this point and thrives to eventually eliminate all manual processes in the future. The move has a significant impact on the industry as a whole, affecting […]

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Getting Kids Interesting In Electroplating Careers

Brandon University has a problem. The Canadian university’s science and engineering department, like many across North America, provides hands-on demonstrations to visiting school kids in the hopes of interesting them in science careers. One of the most popular demonstrations is electroplating, in which students watch pennies seemingly turn into silver and gold. The problem is […]

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Research And Development

Just last week, SPC attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for Atotech’s augmented research and development and proto-typing expansion onto their existing manufacturing location in Burlington, Ontario. The presentation given was excellent and demonstrated their commitment to a future plan of new research and development to offer new products that meet the challenges of tomorrow with […]

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