
Avoid Flaking When Plating on Ceramics & Plastics

  Plating onto plastics and ceramics can provide a variety of benefits. A coating of gold, silver, nickel or copper will make these somewhat fragile materials stronger and more durable, while increasing their resistance to corrosion as well. The electroplating process can also provide a metallic finish that can enhance a ceramic or plastic product’s […]

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Benefits of Electroplating 3D Prints

Quickly creating parts from a design has made 3D printing a newly popular option in the manufacturing world, especially printing with metals and plastics. Electroplating printed pieces enhances their durability and protects them from wear. The metal finishing could also make the parts more suitable for specific tasks. Quick Links Advantages of Electroplating | Disadvantages […]

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Guide to Composite Materials

Composite materials have very different properties from alloys and pure bases. If you have a plating project, understanding the substrates will help you decide the finishing you need. Thankfully, comprehending composite materials and how plating works on them does not require a degree in chemistry. You only need to know the basics to make an […]

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Uniformly Depositing Plating Material

 Uniformly Depositing Plating Material on Plastics The resurgence in demand for plating on plastics in recent years has led manufacturers and metal finishing companies to seek ways to improve the process. A primary focus area has been creating a more uniform coating of the metal onto the plastic substrate — which has been a trouble […]

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Preventing Issues When Plating on Plastics

Plating metal onto plastic materials is a process that originated in the 1960s in the automotive industry. Manufacturers had started using plastic parts and components to make vehicles lighter and more fuel efficient. They discovered that applying a coating of metal, such as nickel, to these parts would enhance their durability and increase their aesthetic […]

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Medical Device EMI Shielding

Hospitals and medical facilities are home to hundreds of medical devices. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are more than 10,000 types of medical devices available. From specialized beds to CT scan machines, medical devices are used to improve patient health. In some cases, a medical device such as a defibrillator saves a […]

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Which Metals Work Best for Plating Ceramics?

While we often associate electroplating with metal products, the process also works with some non-metallic materials, such as ceramics. Manufacturers often choose to electroplate a coating of metal onto a ceramic substrate for the same reasons as metal-on-metal applications — increasing corrosion resistance, strengthening the product, conducting electricity and enhancing appearance. Electroless Plating Is an […]

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Plating for Microelectronics

If we were to trace the history of electronics, from the very beginning when computers took up entire rooms, to the present when incredible amounts of processing power and data storage are packed into a device fits into the palm of your hand, what conclusions might we draw? We might say that electronics are getting […]

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Plating Engineering-Grade Plastics

Overview: How Is the Process Different From Plating Onto Traditional Plastics? How Plating Works Electroless Plating on Plastics Electroplating of Engineering Plastics Uses and Applications Sharretts Plating Company Contact Us for More on Plating on Engineering-Grade Plastics As strong as they are, engineering-grade plastics may occasionally need a boost in hardness, appearance or other qualities […]

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Industries That Most Often Need Plated Ceramics

When many people think of ceramics, the first thing that likely comes to mind are items such as pottery, vases and works of art. However, ceramic materials also play a crucial role in the manufacturing of some types of industrial products. These substances exhibit a variety of characteristics and properties that are beneficial to manufacturers, […]

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